Calculate percentages and amounts quickly and easily.
Welcome to our Percentage Calculator, designed to help you quickly and accurately calculate percentages for various purposes. Whether you're figuring out a product's discounted price, calculating tips, or measuring a salary increase, this tool simplifies your calculations. Understanding percentages is essential in finance, business, and many other fields.
Our tool is user-friendly and ideal for anyone needing quick, accurate results. You can use the calculator to:
It's also helpful in business applications such as cost analysis, margin calculations, and financial forecasting.
A percentage expresses a number as a fraction of 100, making it easier to compare proportions. The symbol for percentage is "%" (pronounced as "per cent"). For example, if a group contains 200 students and 50 of them are girls, the percentage of girls is:
Percentage of girls = (50 / 200) * 100 = 25%
To calculate a percentage, divide the part by the whole, then multiply by 100. The formula is:
Percentage = (Part / Whole) * 100
Example: To find the percentage of students who passed an exam (90 out of 120), use:
Percentage = (90 / 120) * 100 = 75%
Another example: To find a product's price after a 20% discount on AED 200, calculate:
Discount = (20 / 100) * 200 = AED 40
Final price = 200 - 40 = AED 160
Percentages are essential in everyday life, from personal finance to business. They help you:
Absolutely! Use our calculator for:
Percentages are used in everyday scenarios:
Knowing how to calculate percentages aids in personal and professional decision-making.